FAQ & Facts

About Fairwinds Pain Solutions

How do I know which product is right for me?

Each product has a unique profile of benefits, and they can be selected based on the type of need. Here are some simple considerations:


Topicals are often best for localized discomfort, such as in the elbow or knee. They are also ideal when no THC effect is desired. When THC is applied topically, not enough is absorbed into the bloodstream to reach the brain. But it can act where applied to provide local relief.


Tinctures are great for a quick onset and the ability to provide terpenes and essential oils to enhance the effects of cannabinoids.


Suppositories are ideal for lower abdomen and lower back support. The ingredients are absorbed locally, providing relief for the abdomen extending down to the knees.


FECO is the most potent option, delivering the most full spectrum cannabis oil possible, in 3 different CBD to THC ratios.

Is it safe to take multiple products at the same time?

Yes, you can take more than one product designed to support comfort simulataneously, allowing you to take advantage of multiple modes of delivery and formula ingredients. For example, you could combine a Flow topical with a tincture, or a topical with FECO. That way you can address your discomfort from the outside and inside, for maximum benefits.

Which Flow topical is best?

Each Flow topical product delivers potent cannabis effects locally, without entering the bloodsteam significantly. The difference between them mostly lies in the herbal ingredients, like essential oils, that have clinically proven effects. Some are designed for a waming effect, while others produce a cooler sensation. In all of them, the combination of terpenes and essential oils with pure cannabis oil provides rapid absorption and effective benefits that last hours.

What is FECO?

FECO stands for Full Extract Cannabi Oil. It is similar to RSO but even more full spectrum, delivering valuable cannabis medicinal compenents that RSO can not. Compounds like polysaccharides and flavonoids that are mostly absent in RSO and other cannabis oils. Because of the unique extraction methods used to make FECO, we are able to extract these other compounds which sets FECO apart from every other oil in the market. The oil is very potent and the full entourage effect provided out performs the standard RSO products claiming to be full spectrum.

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