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THC Suppositories: Everything You Need to Know

Suppositories are a great option for those searching for natural relief from the daily health and wellness issues that cause physical discomfort in your day-to-day. They’re an age-old and highly efficient delivery method for medication, might just be the solution you’ve been waiting for. THC suppositories, in particular, offer the healing potential of the cannabis plant without the usual cerebral high.


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A Growing Trend: Pharmaceutical Suppositories Market

A recent report by Allied Market Research explores the Pharmaceutical Suppositories Market, which encompasses rectal, vaginal, and urethral suppositories and their user demographics. The report predicts that between 2023 and 2032, this market will undergo substantial growth.

In 2022, the global pharmaceutical suppositories market was valued at $1.6 billion, with estimates suggesting it will reach $2.8 billion by 2032, boasting a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.7% during this period.

This growth can be attributed to advancements in technology, an increase in chronic diseases, and a surge in awareness and adoption of suppositories for medication delivery. However, challenges such as manufacturing complexities and limited drug compatibility remain, as not all medications can effectively be administered via suppositories due to stability and solubility concerns. Nevertheless, as technology continues to advance in this field, opportunities for the pharmaceutical suppositories market are expected to expand.

What Exactly Are Suppositories?

In case you’re not familiar with suppositories, or it’s been a while since you’ve encountered them, they are small bullet-shaped capsules designed for insertion into the anus, vagina, or urethra. Once inside, the medication within them melts or dissolves and is absorbed by the body. This medication either treats the area where it’s inserted or gets absorbed into the bloodstream.

Unlike orally ingested substances, which undergo digestion and metabolism by the liver, suppositories bypass these processes. This means that a THC suppository can deliver cannabinoids without the variability of effects associated with oral consumption, such as influenced by body weight, metabolism speed, and stomach contents.

Why Choose Suppositories?

When it comes to cannabis, suppositories offer a unique advantage. Instead of relying on the digestive tract and the liver, vaginal suppositories depend on body temperature to melt at a controlled rate for absorption by the surrounding skin. The female reproductive tract is rich in cannabinoid receptors that can efficiently interact with cannabinoids, while the skin’s blood vessels absorb these compounds. Moreover, some suppositories are formulated with ingredients like cocoa butter and shea butter, providing additional benefits like moisturization, soothing, and lubrication, along with pH balance for vaginal health.

How to Use Suppositories

Using a suppository is relatively straightforward. The tip of the suppository shell is designed to be slightly unsealed for easy opening. Once you’ve opened it, with clean hands and the bullet-shaped tip facing upward, gently insert the suppository into the vagina. Unfortunately, for obvious reasons, we can’t provide video or photo demonstrations for this process.

The Benefits of Suppositories

Cannabinoids administered vaginally offer various benefits without the typical cerebral high associated with other cannabis consumption methods. These potential advantages include pain management, reduced inflammation, and localized muscle relaxation. Furthermore, cannabinoids tend to work synergistically with specific plant terpenes and components, enhancing their therapeutic effects. Research is ongoing, but there’s ample anecdotal evidence supporting the use of cannabis suppositories for addressing issues such as menstrual cramps, abdominal pain, endometriosis, pelvic discomfort, pain during sex, vaginal dryness, and pelvic floor muscle relaxation.

Expert Opinions on Suppositories

According to Dr. Melanie Bone, an OB-GYN with experience in cannabis practices, THC in suppositories isn’t meant to induce a high but to enhance the efficacy of CBD. The combination of cannabinoids, especially THC and CBD, can address various medical conditions. For instance, THC is effective for pain relief and muscle spasticity, while CBD’s primary benefit lies in its anti-inflammatory properties. These characteristics make both compounds valuable for managing pain, inflammation, and anxiety associated with medical conditions.

Pain Relief with Medical Cannabis

As an alternative to traditional pain-relieving medications, medical cannabis is gaining popularity. It has been found to ease various types of chronic pain, including nerve damage and inflammation. Suppositories enriched with CBD and THC can provide pain relief, reduce inflammation, and induce relaxation, among other benefits. The combination of THC and CBD offers a unique experience that surpasses the effects of each compound individually.

Will a Suppository Get You High?

While some absorption into the bloodstream occurs when using vaginal suppositories, it’s significantly less than with oral ingestion. This explains why women can experience the therapeutic benefits without the typical psychoactive high associated with cannabis. These suppositories are carefully designed to promote well-being without disruption to your daily activities.

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Explore Fairwinds Suppositories

At Fairwinds, we offer a couple different suppositories to cater to your specific needs. Our Feminine Relief suppositories and Rectify suppositories are meticulously crafted, incorporating CBD, THC, THCA, organic cocoa butter, organic shea butter, and cannabis oil. If you’re intrigued and ready to explore the world of suppositories, visit our website to learn more about our products. You can also check Leafly to find Washington State dispensaries near you that carry our exceptional offerings.

Discover the unique benefits of suppositories and take a step toward enhanced well-being today.